Skamania Kids & Youth (SKY) is a nonprofit organization (founded 2024) dedicated to the well-being of youth in Skamania County.
Healthy youth reflect a healthy community!
Young people who are actively valued, supported, and engaged in the unique resources and opportunities of Skamania County — and connected to the rich network of skilled and caring adults already in the community — are empowered to create a vibrant future here and in the world beyond.
While SKY’s long term vision includes youth of all ages, our current focus is launching a Teen Center in downtown Stevenson, providing local teens with a safe and welcoming place to go after school and on weekends. The Teen Center will serve as a hub promoting social connections, healthy behaviors, civic and community engagement, and creativity.
The need for teen space and activities in Skamania County has been long and widely recognized by youth and the adults who care about them. This need is documented in the county’s 2024 Community Health Assessment (final draft publicly available soon).
SKY recognizes youth voice as essential in shaping the teen center. A Youth Advisory Council (comprised of 10 local teens) provides key feedback and informs the process. Teens on the Council gain valuable organizing experience and lay a foundation for becoming agents of change for healthier communities.
SKY also hosts the Coalition of Youth Allies, whose purpose is to build relationships and enhance resource-sharing among existing youth allies in Skamania County. There’s so much that’s going well already - we want to amplify what’s working!
Get Involved
Legacy Survey
Skamania County is a special place with a complex history. We want to hear from residents of all ages about what kind of future they wish for the next generations here. Please add your voice and share this short survey!
Teen Center Fundraiser
Wanna make the Teen Center real? So do we! The Youth Advisory Council is hard at work on our first public event.
Please join us for our Winter Fundraiser on February 8th! ♥️
You’ll learn more about our project and the many ways you can contribute. We’ll have delicious eats, a Silent Auction, youth speakers, a Sound Booth, Love Letter art, and other festivities!
Please help us spread the word!
Coalition of Youth Allies
We want to amplify the good work already being done for youth in Skamania County! The Coalition exists to build community and enhance resource-sharing among organizations and projects serving youth in Skamania County.