Winter Fundraiser
Skamania Kids & Youth is holding its first fundraiser! 🎈
Saturday, February 8th, 4-7pm, 198 Second Street, Stevenson.
The theme is “Love Letters to the Next Generation.” 📬
The evening is an interactive opportunity to envision the future for Skamania County Youth, and will include food, art, youth speakers, a silent auction, a sound booth, and more. Come learn about our project, including volunteer and giving opportunities. Every dollar raised will go directly toward opening the doors to a local Teen Center!
4-6pm Interactive activities & food / 6pm Silent Auction Awards & Speakers
Entrance is free but you must register.
♥️ RSVP ♥️
Coalition of Youth Allies
The purpose of the Coalition of Youth Allies is to build community and promote resource-sharing among existing youth allies in Skamania County.
Youth Advisory Council
SKY’s Youth Advisory Council are proactive dreamers who provide key feedback, ideas, and project support.
Youth Advisory Council
SKY’s Youth Advisory Council are proactive dreamers who provide key feedback and ideas.
Youth Advisory Council
SKY’s Youth Advisory Council are proactive dreamers who provide key feedback and ideas.